Channel Marketing Blog | 360insights

Unleashing Success: How Program Engagement Services Propel Incentive Initiatives

Written by Jason Hartley | Oct 2, 2024 5:38:18 AM

Imagine launching a promising incentive program with high hopes of boosting sales and partner loyalty, only to have it fall flat. Participation dwindles, teams and partners seem unmotivated, and the expected sales uptick never materialises. This scenario isn’t uncommon when businesses overlook the importance of regular communication with participants. A strategic campaign plan is crucial in ensuring participants are actively engaged.

Success demands more than one interaction

The famous movie quote from Field of Dreams might seem apropos when it comes to incentive platforms, but in the real world, just because you build it doesn’t mean participants will come! Encouraging activity is not always straightforward. It's crucial to leverage multiple channels to regularly communicate the program's details and benefits, keeping it top-of-mind.

The good news is we can make it easy for you. Our Program Engagement services drive participation by building awareness and boosting registration through strategic, captivating content and targeted marketing. We tailor our programs to match our client's specific needs, employing both digital and traditional methods to run impactful short-term campaigns, nurture-based marketing, and advocacy initiatives.

The results speak for themselves: our initiatives can significantly enhance activity, delivering up to 44x ROI, increasing site activity by 6x, and boosting revenue for participating partners by up to 20%.

The proof is in the metrics

One notable study we conducted based on active 360insights incentive programs highlights the impact of our Program Engagement services:

Without services:

  • Active User Rates lingered at just 2.7% (the percentage of all users who have logged into the platform within the last 90 days)
  • Users visited the platform an average of only 3.6 times per year
  • Users completed 6.24 actions annually (key behavior related to program activity, such as making a claim, a lead, a sale, completing a training course, or submitting content such as testimonials, case studies, or feedback surveys.)

With strategic PE services:

  • Active User Rates soared to 72%
  • Users visited the platform 10.23 times per year
  • Users performed an impressive 59.4 actions annually

Another compelling example of our Program Engagement services' success comes from a 100-year anniversary campaign aimed at ensuring maximum participation and driving repeat sales through a prize-for-all mechanic.

In this campaign, participants earned small rewards for purchasing promotional SKUs. The engagement strategy included a fast-start free coffee promo, a mini accelerator promo offering a £10 Amazon voucher to boost per-head sales, a printed point of sales asset, an email program, and social media campaign targeting electricians and tradespeople across the UK.

The results were remarkable:

  • The campaign supported a major sales uplift for a single SKU that had lost market share, directly contributing to £180k in sales within eight weeks
  • Impressively, 30% of users bought the product specifically because of the incentive
  • 20% had never previously purchased the product, supporting a significant increase in market share

What’s more, a major technology company was struggling to inform their sales channels about new promotions effectively. Sales Associates only discovered updates upon logging into their rewards platform, posing a challenge for prompt engagement. To address this, we implemented an email marketing strategy with monthly emails highlighting strategic models and reward amounts.

This approach yielded remarkable results:

  • SKU claims increased by 750% during the campaign launch month compared to the previous monthly average
  • Specifically, claims surged from an average of 42 per month to an impressive 357 claims, underscoring the effectiveness of the targeted email marketing efforts

The results highlight the crucial role of PE services in driving user engagement and overall program success.

When participation thrives…

By transforming your incentive initiatives with our Program Engagement services, you too can see the ongoing success of your programs. We can help you create a dynamic environment where participants feel motivated, valued, and ready to engage – achieving goals far beyond initial expectations. When participation thrives, so does your business!

To learn more, I encourage you to read the full case story that led to the success noted above.

For more resources visit our 360insights | Elevate - Program Engagement Services pages and feel free to contact us! Our experts are ready to help you drive real results!