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Global Electrical Power Supplies Manufacturer

An incentive learning and education program created for a leading power manufacturer leveraged incentive travel to increase partner certifications by 198% in record time.

The Scope

This global leader in power management and automation systems, requested the assistance of HMI (now a part of 360insights), to increase the completion of an online certification, targeting their reseller channel partners. The certification aimed at enabling the partners to better sell specific computing services, a primary focus for the company.

The Challenge

The electrical power manufacturer was faced with unmotivated channel partners, who were too busy to take the hour-long certification. To overcome this challenge, the solution needed to succeed in changing the behavior of the partners to fulfill the company’s goal.

The Solution

We wanted to create a promotion strategy that would motivate the electrical manufacturers' channel partners to prioritize completing the computing certification. The “Conquer the Edge” campaign was strategically designed to appeal to the partners' interests and incentivize participation through attractive rewards. To achieve this, we collaborated closely to deliver an innovative solution that involved experiential prizes, which appealed directly to the partners' sense of adventure and achievement.

The allure of an all-inclusive guided mountain tour for two served as the campaign's centerpiece, promising an unforgettable experience for those who completed the certification. This grand prize leveraged channel partners' desire for unique experiences, motivating them to engage with the certification process despite their busy schedules. By integrating this prize with the certification program, we effectively tied the pursuit of knowledge with the excitement of a potential reward.

Beyond the grand prize, a tiered reward structure was introduced to sustain engagement throughout the campaign, offering interim rewards to maintain momentum. Prizes were distributed based on certification completion status, ensuring that every participant felt motivated to progress. As a result, the campaign promoted continuous involvement, reflected in the remarkable increase in certification completion during the promotion period.

The Results

The campaign's outcomes revealed substantial enhancements in participant engagement, with an impressive email open rate of 62.5% and a click-through rate soaring to 21%, underscoring significant participant interest. Accumulating over 3000 total impressions underscored the campaign's broad reach and visibility. Remarkably, the initiative precipitated a notable increase in certifications, averaging 100 per month from an initial baseline of 11, reflecting a 198% increase in just a third of the original timeframe. These results exemplify the promotional strategy's efficacy in augmenting partner involvement and educational engagement, thereby driving the success of the Edge computing certification initiative.

Consumer Durables

Consumer Durables

Incentivized Learning & Incentive Trip


Power management and Automation Systems Manufacturer


Electrical Manufacturer

Business Outcomes

  • Incentivize Learning and Education
  • Increase Loyalty
  • Increase Engagement

Products Used

The Success

62.5 %
open rate and 21% click-through rate on emails
3,000 +
impressions overall
198 %
increase of certifications in one third of the time
certifications per month during the promotion

360insights empower partner support, enablement, and sales.